Elecampane (Inula helenium) Non-Native

Elecampane (Inula helenium)

Parts used: root, rhizome

Medicinal uses: Dried roots and rhizomes used as an expectorant for treatment of coughs and bronchial catarrh. Traditionally used as a bitter tonic, stomachic carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, and diuretic. Root used against several intestinal parasites and for infections of urinary tract. Externally used as antiseptic to treat skin conditions.

Additional uses: Elecampane root has been used in the past as a flavoring for sweets. The root itself can also be candied as a sweet itself (Kowalchik 183).

Cautions: Can cause skin reactions. Do not take internally if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Elecampane Inula helenium

Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plant Guide (Check out all plants growing in Tryon Farm's medicinal garden!)

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